Backward Progress?

Today I felt a bunch of the side effects that was supposed to be expected in Days 1-10. What the heck?? I thought I was finally out of the bad times and it should be smooth sailing by now. But instead I was tired– I slept in and even had a nap! I felt bloated! And I’m kinda moody! It’s like I’m starting to resent this diet. Like, it’s an unnecessary sacrifice that’s weighing greater than the rewards these days. Then I have to remind myself that it’s not even been two weeks! I’ve got more time to go than I’ve put in. And good things come to those who wait. 

Today I finally bit the bullet and tried to make mayo. I bought a small bottle of light-tasting olive oil specifically for the recipe. My plan was to make it in my food processor, and so I cracked the egg and put the other ingredients. But then I hit a roadblock. See, you have to pour the olive oil in very slowly while continuing to blend the mayo, and my food processor won’t run unless the top is on! So I’d blend, then add, blend, then add. And the egg never emulsified. I ended with a runny mess!

So I tried again, this time with my immersion blender, but I didn’t have enough oil (since I had to start over), so I had to add some evoo as well. It came out nice and thick the second time, but the taste is a bit strong. I added a good bit of lemon juice and salt to cover the olivey taste, and I think it’ll do!

For breakfast this morning I finally had some luck with eggs-in-a-basket! Usually the egg escapes the meat, which shrivels in the pan, and I’m left with a mess! This time was much better!

That’s just some prosciutto and eggs, baked to perfection (which to me means the white is done and the yolk is runny!) I didn’t actually eat that banana; my plate just looked so bare with only those two little eggs, so I added the banana for the picture! There is, however, a whole banana in the pictured smoothie, plus some strawberries and a tablespoon of coconut milk!

For dinner I made burgers, and mine was bunless! I topped it with some of my mayo and mustard, and it wasn’t bad (the picture isn’t that pretty though)!

I also roasted some carrots that I meant to have with my dinner, but they took longer to roast that I thought! Erego, when they were done, I sprinkled some cinnamon on them for a nutritious desert! It was so tasty!

Anyway, hoping tomorrow I’m a bit closer to the way I think I should be feeling at this point.   I’ll have another challenge to face (the movies!!). Stay tuned!

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